Friday, March 13, 2009

Glass maniac

Since doing my B Tech degree at the NMMU (actually from before that time) I was labelled (by my family members!) maniac. I took it in my stride because if maniac means an unstoppable fascination with the subject, then that's all right with me.

In the course of the past 5 years I have bought a small library of books regarding various specific hot and cold glass techniques, but I also bought books that were great for inspiration regarding design ideas: form, colour, shape ... .

I eventually also subscribed to various top glass magazines: Neues Glass, Fjoezz (which used to be "this side up"), Glashaus and Glass Art (which has stained glass aspects over and above the kiln working glass techniques.) Some magazines focus on the artists, feature interviews and description of their work, other magazine add articles and photo instructions about techniques. Only one would not be enough to grasp the great possibilities of working with glass, as many glass artists combine techniques to bring out various characteristics of the glass.

Even though I'm not full time busy with my glass (due to circumstances), I still get a thrill every time I grab a book and I can't wait for every new edition of my subscriptions.

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